Thursday, November 18, 2010

Project ideas:

Actually, I just decided that I will try and do my third project on anti-plagiarism technology. I know that there are some methods which aid teachers in eliminating plagiarism, but I would like to research what those are and how to use them. I think that this is a vital part of technology which is essential to a "oh just google it" kind of world. Teachers need to be informed on how to use this type of technology.

I will be working by my self, and will not be doing the competition.
Alright some problems that I have noticed in schools are:
  • huge amounts of paper waste
  • helping students connect (inside a classroom) with places and things which are far away
  • Helping students have more one on one involvement
I am tying to find a way to fix at least one of these with technology, and am hoping that I can find one in class today.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Internet Safety:
We as educators have a responsibility to aid or students in remaining safe while on the internet. There are many ways in which we can do this.
  1. We can have strict rules and consequences against going on non-educational sites.
  2. We can teach our students about internet safety and explain why it is important.
  3. We should never require our students to put personal information on the internet.
  4. and put all computers in open public parts of the school

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Movie project

The assignment for my class would be to pick one of the founding fathers of which we would have studied about and create a movie about their life and contributions to society. They can do a song, skit, or documentary type video. They can do it in groups or by themselves, but the groups should not be any bigger than 5 people.