Thursday, September 16, 2010


I have actually found Google reader to be an excellent PLN. For it to be truly effective, I will need to build up my contacts, so that I can increase the amount of discussion, and exchange of information. However, I have found it very useful for getting information from blogs which I can then share with others. One of my favorite things I have discovered is: online museums. I have been following the blog of a world history teacher, who put up a link to the online museum for the Met. It is a great resource for displaying art history. It organizes art by location as well as chronology. I also loved Grant's 95 thesis Rap! I have already learned so many great things through Google reader.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Blogs to follow

After searching for some good blogs to follow, I discovered there are really lots of good materials on the internet. Here are a few that I found particularly helpful.
The above site has fun history facts, and stories. It also has good information about how to prepare for the first day of school, etc.
This website has a great compilation of helpful history trinkets.
This has lots more online content, and technology that could be useful to history teachers.

These websites really helped me get excited about the amazing things that are out there to help us all become a great history teachers.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

more information about why using blogs!

Uses of blogs

As discussed in class blogs can be very useful in a classroom setting.
  1. Blogs can be used to provide a fun way for students to share his ideas with each other.
  2. Teachers can use them as ways to get students to answer prompts.
  3. They can improve communication between teachers.
  4. Also allow chances for teachers to share ideas with other teachers.