Thursday, September 16, 2010


I have actually found Google reader to be an excellent PLN. For it to be truly effective, I will need to build up my contacts, so that I can increase the amount of discussion, and exchange of information. However, I have found it very useful for getting information from blogs which I can then share with others. One of my favorite things I have discovered is: online museums. I have been following the blog of a world history teacher, who put up a link to the online museum for the Met. It is a great resource for displaying art history. It organizes art by location as well as chronology. I also loved Grant's 95 thesis Rap! I have already learned so many great things through Google reader.


  1. That is awesome! I had no idea online museums even existed. This will definitely be going into my bag of tricks!

  2. I love that rap. I think I will show it to my history classes, especially to those students who think that history is boring.

  3. That is a great rap! I actually showed it to people at work!
